Get Shares of a Solar Farm & Save 10% on Your Electric Bill

$0 to join—just pay your normal bill, but lower.

5-15% off your electricity costs—no roof required.

Supported by government programs—Medicaid, SNAP, and more.

How it works
How do we operate?
We partner with solar farm operators
We're qualified to guide homes on getting shares of these projects.
We spread the word about the project
Our team goes out and works the magic!

We build local support, post content, flyer, and knock doors.

Education is key!
People Sign up!
We help people sign up to get shares of the farm, then they start to save on their electricity!
Everyone wins!
Community solar is one of the smartest models ever invented. Here’s why!
Imagine you can get energy discounts from someone else's investment. Same thing!
The utility goes to clean power
Instead of power from polluting sources like gas or coal, they can use clean power.
Renters & homes can save 5-20% off
They can save 10% on their electric bills without having to install and purchase solar panels.
Investors make money!
Investors can invest and make a good return while also helping communities save!
Jobs are created
These projects employ hundreds of people from construction, architecture, permitting, and organizations like us.
Live Example:
If your home’s monthly bill is $100. When you join what happens is. The farm generates $100 worth of credit.
New Electricity Bill: $90
Homeowner Saved:
Operator Earns:
Investor Earns:
Step 1: Homeowner pays $90 to the Project Operators
The 10% you signed up for will reduce your bill to $90. You save and stay with the same utility company.
Step 2: Project Operators will take a $10 Fee
From the $90, they take a cut of it to cover maintenance, customer service, paying for organizations like us to promote, etc.
Step 3: Project Operators gives Project Investors $80.
The project investors will take rest of the revenue and use it to pay off loans, insurance, utilities, interest, etc. Then pocket the rest.

What are you waiting for?

Get your shares of a Solar Farm

Get my shares
Student Run
We’re a proud student team.

The lost art of knocking

We train  young ambitious students and teach them the lost art of door knocking, helping them out of their comfort zone!

We teach them the soft skills to be kind and educational, while focusing on constantly improving.
No Scripts.
We do not do scripts.
Important thing in any sales is to know your product in & out.

We educate our students on how the grid works, how power gets to homes, and everything there is to know.

Knowledge breeds confidence. Confidence creates enthusiasm, and enthusiasm sells.
Our goal:
We wanted to take a different approach. Build a business that can truly help students like us, while also helping the community take advantage of these initiatives. So join us!

If you’re a student and interested in learning about climate & sales. Apply!
I want to join the team!

The projects we're helping!

For detailed information on these projects, go into and learn more about it!

Byron, NY

Project Route 262- Neighborhood Sun

Estimated Yearly Savings
10% Discount
Project Status
Opening Soon!
Utility Provider
National Grid
Shares Availability
Shares Available
Learn More!
View all supported projects
Birth of koivo
I was skeptical...
Our story

You might have seen me at your door.

I always always hated people coming to my door. And now I do it to others…

I don’t love it. But, I do think everyone should KNOW about this program!!

I do love walking away from a door and feeling like "wow, these people were ridiculously kind and they're gonna love me for this."

When I first of heard of this I was super skeptical.
Telling me it’s free to join. I can save 10% and if I move, I can cancel anytime with no fees?


But I was intrigued. So I kept digging. I learned more and more about it like
1. This was a program backed by 44 states
2. NY is leading in community solar projects with over 840+ projects

Now I was all in.

For the business nerds like me,
I’m working on this piece breaking down the financials of these community solar projects.
Mind blowing how profitable, impactful, and community beneficial this is.
If that’s your jam, get on the waitlist and I’ll be sending an email on it!
My Personal Purpose
Not to be cliche but...
My partner and I started this organization because we saw we could make some serious impact while sharing what we love.

Helping people learn about this and benefit from clean energy.
And the benefits expanded:
1. We help young talent
2. We got a donation.
3. Help them make money
4. Teach people about clean energy/sustainability

There’s a lot more beautiful things that we're hoping to accomplish. But this is our work!
So I hope you learned something today, and take the next 2 minutes to switch from supporting fossil fuels to clean energy and get that 10% off!
Join Community Solar & Save 10%
Our Team
We’re a group of young individuals that care about climate and truly believe in sharing it!
We run in the snow, talk at the door, and love the impact of this program
Birth of koivo
I was skeptical...
Hey I'm Daniel!
The founder.
Here's my story.
When I first heard about community solar, I thought this was a SCAM.

I saw community solar companies saying:

I can get 10% off my bills without having to install solar panels, and it’s free by joining this program.

So I started researching.

And I kept seeing government sites. (Department of Energy, NYSERDA, etc)

It seemed real but I didn't understand how it worked.

The truth is...

60%+ of US residents can’t get solar panels due to insufficient credit score, income, and their roof size.

In 2006, they created the first community solar project. It worked. People loved it.

19 years later, this program has been adopted by 44 states. With the benefit for renters, homeowners, and people that can’t get solar panels.

It’s clever!
So when you pay your electric bill, it goes to paying off the costs of producing the clean energy instead of dirty power like fossil fuels or natural gas.

i don’t get why its free? HOW IS IT FREE?

Well it’s not.

Joining the program is free.

Getting your shares is free.

Other than that, you are still paying your electric bill. But, it is 10% less!

The nice part though is every year, you will have 1 electric bill that’s paid by clean energy.

Makes sense, right?

For the business nerds like me,
I’m working on this piece breaking down the financials of these community solar projects.
Mind blowing how profitable, impactful, and community beneficial this is.
If that’s your jam, get on the waitlist and I’ll be sending an email on it!
My Personal Purpose
Not to be cliche but...
My partner and I started this business because I saw we could make money being educators.

Helping people learn about this and benefit from clean energy.
And the benefits expanded:
1. We hired young talent
2. Help them make money
3. Teach them about clean energy/sustainability

There’s a lot more beautiful things that we're hoping to accomplish. But this is our work!
So I hope you learned something today, and take the next 2 minutes to switch from supporting fossil fuels to clean energy and get that 10% off!
Join Community Solar & Save 10%
How it works
So how do I get the 10% savings?
Get your panels
First, once you sign up, you will get assigned a number of solar panels.
Learn More
Start Generating
Your panels will generate electricity, and that electricity will be sold to the utility grid like Con Ed.
Learn More
Get Credits
The grid gives you credit by reducing your electric bill with a 10% discount.
Get me in already!
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