$0 to join—just pay your normal bill, but lower.
5-15% off your electricity costs—no roof required.
Supported by government programs—Medicaid, SNAP, and more.
For detailed information on these projects, go into and learn more about it!
You might have seen me at your door.
I always always hated people coming to my door. And now I do it to others…
I don’t love it. But, I do think everyone should KNOW about this program!!
I do love walking away from a door and feeling like "wow, these people were ridiculously kind and they're gonna love me for this."
When I first of heard of this I was super skeptical. Telling me it’s free to join. I can save 10% and if I move, I can cancel anytime with no fees?
But I was intrigued. So I kept digging. I learned more and more about it like
1. This was a program backed by 44 states
2. NY is leading in community solar projects with over 840+ projects
Now I was all in.
I saw community solar companies saying:
So I started researching.
And I kept seeing government sites. (Department of Energy, NYSERDA, etc)
It seemed real but I didn't understand how it worked.
60%+ of US residents can’t get solar panels due to insufficient credit score, income, and their roof size.
In 2006, they created the first community solar project. It worked. People loved it.
19 years later, this program has been adopted by 44 states. With the benefit for renters, homeowners, and people that can’t get solar panels.
It’s clever!
So when you pay your electric bill, it goes to paying off the costs of producing the clean energy instead of dirty power like fossil fuels or natural gas.
Well it’s not.
Joining the program is free.
Getting your shares is free.
Other than that, you are still paying your electric bill. But, it is 10% less!
The nice part though is every year, you will have 1 electric bill that’s paid by clean energy.
Makes sense, right?